Nail Surgery

Nail surgery by an expert

I specialise in providing nail surgery services in Edinburgh to treat fungal nail infections, ingrown toenails and nail deformities.

Get rid of your ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail is a painful condition that occurs when the side of the nail pierces the skin, causing it to become inflamed and swollen. If you think that you have an ingrown toenail, don’t hesitate to contact me today. I can provide you with a professional treatment to help relieve the pain and treat your ingrown nail. I can also offer expert advice to help avoid ingrown toenails in future.
Nail surgery by an expert

I provide nail surgery for:

  • Ingrown toenails
  • Fungal nails
  • Thickened or inflamed toenails
  • Nail abnormalities
Fungal nail infections

Fungal nail infections

A painless condition usually caused by nail injuries or excessive sweating. The fungus infects the toenail, causing it to become discoloured and unsightly. Depending on the cause of the fungal infection, I can advise you on the most appropriate treatment.
Speak to me
Do you need ingrown toenail treatment?
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